Vote for your coin of the year
As 2020 draws to a close, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to look back at some of the most popular coins from the past 12 months, which you can see below.
But I NEED YOUR HELP in deciding which coin is to be crowned the collector’s favourite of 2020.
Please decide from the following coins and vote for your favourite in our poll at the bottom of the blog.
The Winnie the Pooh 50p Set

The Team GB 50p

The Victory 50p Set

The Queen £5

The Dinosaur 50p Set

The David Bowie £5

The Snowman™ 50p

The Peter Pan 50p Set

All the coins have got there own Beaty,value,and charm
A wonderful company to purchase from. You always notify customer of progress of order.
Difficult choice.
I agree with the full set of Olympic coins, as one of the best, also i think the 2 x £2 tube coins one of the London underground Randel and the other of the front of the tube its self. it was circulated by giving the coins in bulk to the tube station as change in the ticket machines
Will be a collectors item as the games won’t happen til 2021
Thy are my favourite coin set this year
Peter pan is my favorite coin set
Although I do not own the set I think that the design of the coins are brilliant.Well done.
Out of the coins listed i consider the the best value and eyecatching was the peter pan set especially if you got the special low edition signed set. Mr M Evans
v.good value