New UK Prince Philip Coin just announced

d of e coin - New UK Prince Philip Coin just announced

The brand new coin features a portrait of Prince Philip on the reverse and The Queen on the obverse

The Royal Mint has just announced a new Prince Philip Coin that will pay tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh and his record-breaking 70 years of service to Her Majesty the Queen and the United Kingdom.

The Prince of Wales will be striking the very first of these coins on Tuesday 11th July. The reverse of the coin will bear an image of his Father, Prince Philip and the obverse is to feature his mother, The Queen.

The coins will be available in Gold Proof, Silver and Brilliant Uncirculated Base Metal. They will be available to order from 7th August.

If you’re interested you can sign up below for more information as soon as it becomes available.

Last UK Prince Philip Coin is one the UK’s scarcest £5 Coins

Prince Philip was last celebrated on a UK coin six years ago for his 90th birthday. With a mintage of just 4,599 it was, at the time, the most limited Silver Proof £5 ever issued.

prince philip 90th 2011 bu coin - New UK Prince Philip Coin just announced

The 2011 Royal Mint Prince Philip £5 coin remains one the UK’s most scarce issues

It is now highly sought-after by collectors and, arguably, one of the most collectable £5 coins ever released by The Royal Mint.

As we unveil the brand new Official RAF Red Arrows Commemorative, Red 9 reveals his proudest moment as a Red Arrow…

mint editions blog banner21 - As we unveil the brand new Official RAF Red Arrows Commemorative, Red 9 reveals his proudest moment as a Red Arrow...Today we are excited to announce the brand new Red Arrows commemorative. It’s the  FIRST EVER Collector’s Ingot to be officially licensed and approved by the Red Arrows and features a stunning full-colour photograph of the Red Arrows in their famous Enid formation – taken by aviation photographer James Biggadike. 

red arrows ingot - As we unveil the brand new Official RAF Red Arrows Commemorative, Red 9 reveals his proudest moment as a Red Arrow...

Official Red Arrows Gold-Plated Ingot

In the build up to this exciting release and the 2017 Red Arrows display season Flight Lieutenant Emmet Cox, a.k.a. Red 9, gave us an exclusive interview telling us what it’s really like to be part of the world renowned Red Arrows. I revealed part one of the interview in my last blog (If you missed the first half of the interview you can read it here >>). Now, in part 2, Red 9 tells us just how hard it is to be a Red Arrows pilot… 

How long does it take to prepare the display and train to public display level?

“It is a year-round job. We take a couple of weeks off after the season finishes and then it’s straight back into it. Typically, we incorporate the new pilots in small formations of three aircraft from September and, as experience grows, we add more to make it a five then a seven-aircraft formation and eventually the full nine, which normally happens late February/early March. Once the nine are together, we spend most of March and April in Greece to put the ‘polish’ on the show and take advantage of the good weather. So you can see it takes well over half the year to get the display to a standard that we are happy to show to the public.”

“Each person has their own way of preparing”

What happens if one pilot is unable to take part in the display? Do you have reserve pilots?

“We have no reserves in the Red Arrows. The positions are too specialised and it would be next to impossible for one individual to remember and perform to the level required for all the different positions. We do, however, rehearse ‘loser plots’ where minor shape or smoke alterations are carried out to cater for a missing aircraft.”

Do you have any rituals or traditions that you do before each display?

“The way we prepare for a sortie is very procedural, starting with a time check and then a briefing in a certain format. Each person is different and has their own way of preparing, such as mentally rehearsing, visualising the upcoming show or carrying points forward from the previous show.”

“The flying is incredible”

red 9 flight lieutenant emmet cox - As we unveil the brand new Official RAF Red Arrows Commemorative, Red 9 reveals his proudest moment as a Red Arrow...

Flight Lieutenant Emmet Cox (Red 9)

What’s the best thing about being a Red Arrow?

“The flying is incredible and there are few other places in the world where you have the opportunity to perform the aircraft in such a manner. The people are also what makes the job; to work alongside such a talented, focused group, whether it is the aircrew, engineers or support staff it makes it a thoroughly enjoyable experience.”

How does the Hawk T1 compare to other fast jets you’ve flown?

“The Hawk T1 is often referred to as the sports car of the RAF’s fast-jet inventory, its small size and simple avionics make it a real pilot’s aircraft. Compared to something like the Tornado GR4 there are few similarities – the Tornado is far bigger, carries more fuel, has more complex avionics and is more focused on weapons employment. Its stick and controls are heavier, the cockpit itself is far bigger and it is surprisingly quiet inside.”

“To put the red suit on for the first time…is a very special moment”

What has been your proudest moment as a Red Arrow?

“To put the red suit on for the first time after being awarded Public Display Authority is a very special moment. You are only a custodian of the red suit for a short time and when you put it on you realise the history and responsibility that comes with it – to represent not only the RAF and the armed forces but the UK as a whole, I could only imagine it feels similar to representing your nation in a sport.”

If you are as excited as I am to see the 2017 Red Arrows display make sure to catch them at an air show this summer. Their full display schedule can be found here >> 

Let us know in the comments if you’ve already seen them this year!


200 years of the Sovereign. The UK’s First Ever Gold Proof Piedfort Sovereign.

Update, 27th June: It has now been confirmed that the Gold Proof Piedfort Sovereign has completely SOLD OUT at the Mint, in just 24 HOURS. It’s still available at The Westminster Collection, click here >>

2017 marks the bicentenary of the ‘modern’ Gold Sovereign – the most important numismatic anniversary for decades. To mark this occasion a number of special limited edition Gold Sovereigns have been released, including what might be the most important gold sovereign of them all – the first ever Gold Proof Piedfort Sovereign.  

2017 gold sovereign proof piedfort both sides - 200 years of the Sovereign. The UK’s First Ever Gold Proof Piedfort Sovereign.

The Gold Sovereign is undoubtedly the United Kingdom’s most famous gold coin, and has been struck from 22 Carat Gold to the exact same specification since 1817.

To mark the 200th anniversary of the ‘modern’ Gold Sovereign, The Royal Mint has created a milestone in numismatic history by issuing the first ever Piedfort Sovereign.

Piedfort coins are some of the finest examples of British craftsmanship and the Gold Proof Piedfort Sovereign is no exception.

Prestigious reputation

blog image - 200 years of the Sovereign. The UK’s First Ever Gold Proof Piedfort Sovereign.

You can really see the difference in thickness of the Piedfort when compared to the standard issue.

The very first Piedfort can be traced back to the 12th century. First minted in France, the name directly translates to ‘heavy measure’. The striking of Piedfort coins began later in England, however examples are known to date back to the reign of Edward I.

Piedforts were considered prestige pieces and ownership was often used as a means to signify a person’s wealth and power.

2017 gold sovereign proof piedfort in display case - 200 years of the Sovereign. The UK’s First Ever Gold Proof Piedfort Sovereign.

Today, Piedforts continue to be limited issues and striking of such pieces is reserved strictly for the most important events. Therefore, it seems fitting the UK’s first Piedfort Sovereign has been struck to mark 200 years of the Sovereign.

From today, for the first time ever, collectors will be able to own the Piedfort Gold Sovereign and with an edition limit of just 3,500, this new release is sure to be one that will be treasured in years to come.

If you’re interested…

You can now own the First Ever Gold Proof Piedfort Sovereign, but with such a tiny edition limit, they won’t be available for long. Sign up below if you’d like to be contacted about owning this UK first: