SIX Remarkable Commemoratives that Celebrate Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday
This year Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II becomes the first ever British monarch to celebrate her 90th birthday. This significant moment in history will certainly be one to remember.
So I’ve compiled a list of my six favourite commemoratives for you to peruse. In my opinion any Royal collector would be lucky to have these in their collection, especially the 10 ounce gold coin!
1. The Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday Proof Coin
This golden-coloured coin features a one-year only specially commissioned 90th birthday portrait, designed by Luigi Badia.
The coin proudly displays the royal cypher atop a large “90”. The central design is flanked by the Royal Standard and Union Flags on either side.
2. Guernsey 2016 Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th Birthday Silver £5 Proof Coin
Featuring an oak wreath and crown to symbolise long life and the House of Windsor, this Silver £5 coin also features the limited edition one-year-only portrait.
At the center is EIIR, encircled by the words Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the years 1926-2016.
3. Australia 90th Birthday 1oz Silver High Relief Coin
Issued by the Perth Mint, this stunning silver coin has been struck with an incredible high relief finish. To achieve this, each coin must be repeatedly struck on specially prepared presses.
The reverse depicts St. Edwards crown surrounded by wattle branches – just 5,000 have been released worldwide.
4. The Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th Birthday Gold 10oz Coin
Due to the significance of this Royal event, a remarkable 10 ounce gold coin has been issued. That’s the same weight as 33 pound coins!
Featuring the special one-year-only portrait, this 90th Birthday Coin was incredibly popular – in fact, it sold out its entire edition limit in a matter of hours.
5. QEII 90th Birthday Silver Coin Cover
This limited edition Silver Coin Cover features the six UK stamps which have been issued by Royal Mail to mark the Queen’s 90th Birthday. All six evocative photographs feature on our stamps for the first time ever – including a rare picture of the young Princess with King George VI.
The new 2016 Silver Britannia coin is also encapsulated within the cover along with an official postmark by Royal Mail to mark the Queen’s birthday date – 21st April.
6. Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday Photographic Coin
This is the first coin to be issued from The Queen’s 90th Birthday Coin Collection – a new series of photographic coins being issued over the coming months in celebration of the occasion.
The coin has been expertly plated in 24 carat gold and features a full-colour birthday portrait – taken by renowned royal photographer Lord Snowdon for her 80th birthday.
This is a record-breaking moment in British history which will be remembered forever. And the coins and stamps which have been issued to mark the occasion really capture the moment.
Which of the six is your favourite commemorative? Let me know in the comments below.
You can add the Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday Proof Coin to your collection today
What do John Lennon and Stamp Collecting have in common?
The much-loved Beatle wasn’t just a talented musician with a great love for music – he also had a passion for stamp collecting…
John Lennon discovered his interest in philately as a child after his older cousin handed him down a partially filled book of stamps.
The young musician began adding to the album, filling it with stamps taken from letters sent from both the United States and New Zealand.
In 2005 Lennon’s collection was exhibited at The Smithsonian National Postal Museum in Washington. Despite containing over 500 stamps, Smithsonian curator Wilson Hulme reported that there were sadly no rarities within the collection.
However, the famous Beatles’ ‘lost’ album offers a unique insight into Lennon’s childhood – the title page features a reprinted stamp emblazoned with Queen Victoria and King George VI, on which Lennon doodled a mustache and beard.
If you want to see the album for yourself, you’ll have to take a trip to New York, as it goes on display at the World Stamp Show later this year in May. The show takes place each year at the Javits Convention Centre in New York and brings together stamp collectors, dealers and exhibitors from across the world.
John Lennon has appeared on a selection of stamps over the years. Do you own any of them?
Let us know in the comments below…
50th Royal Mail Christmas Issue released

Issued to mark the 50th Royal Mail Christmas issue – just 1,000 available
Did you know that since Royal Mail issued their first Christmas stamp in 1966, over 17 billion Christmas stamps have been printed in Britain? In most years since, Christmas stamps have gone on to become the most popular issue of the year. The 3rd November 2015 saw the 50th Great Britain Christmas issue to be released.
In honour of this milestone I would like to take the opportunity to look at some my favourites from these 50 issues.
Despite many requests over the years that the Post Office issue Christmas stamps, these had always been refused until Tony Benn became Postmaster General. He had originally wanted them in 1965 and even suggested a charity surcharge. Time was against him which meant 1966 was the soonest possible.
Benn, through the Post Office, organised a competition among schoolchildren aged under 15. The competition was launched on Blue Peter, which at the time received viewing figures of around 8 million twice a week. Response to the competition was huge. Over 5,000 designs were submitted which were assessed by a team of eight professional stamp designers. These first British Christmas stamps featured a design by Tasveer Shemza (of King Wencleslas) and James Berry (Snowman).
In 1977 the Twelve Days of Christmas were immortalised on the Christmas issue. David Gentleman’s clever design managed to include all 78 gifts mentioned in the song without the stamps looking cluttered and untidy.

The designers of the 1981 stamps were all chosen from a nationwide competition launched on Blue Peter.
The Christmas issue of 1981 really stands out for me as they were the first Christmas stamps that I remember. Again a nationwide competition was launched on Blue Peter and really caught the attention of children up and down the country. Unfortunately my entry did not make it on to the issued stamps! The five designs that were chosen were from children aged between 5 and 16.
I think 2004 is my favourite of all the 50 Christmas issues. These six stamps feature Raymond Briggs’ beloved Father Christmas as he goes about his duties on his busiest night of the year.
Starting with the 2nd class stamp we see him begin to deliver presents in a calm moonlit night, before battling through the elements(40p, 57p, 68p and £1.12) but by sunrise on Christmas Day all is calm again and his work is done (1st class).
From 2005 Royal Mail decided to alternate each year between secular and non secular Christmas issues. For the 50th issue the Christmas issue is non secular. The eight Christmas 2015 stamps feature six traditional scenes from the Nativity story: The Journey to Bethlehem, The Nativity, The Animals of the Nativity, The Shepherds, The Three Wise Men and The Annunciation.
If you’re interested…
Send festive wishes with this beautifully designed limited edition Christmas card issued to mark the 50th Great Britain Christmas issue