What would you do with the Gold Sovereign?

We’re just a few weeks away from the Royal Mint releasing the details of the new 2013 Gold Sovereign – but what will they do for 2013 – 60th Anniversary of the Coronation Year?

2012sov1 - What would you do with the Gold Sovereign?

The 2012 Gold Sovereign featured a new one-year-only St George & the Dragon design to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee.

This year has seen one of the most popular years ever for the Gold Sovereign with the Proof Coin and key sets selling out in little more than a few weeks.

But what was the cause?  The fact it was Diamond Jubilee Year?  The new one-year-only St George & the Dragon design?

All Change for 2013?

And, more importantly, what should the Royal Mint do this year?  Return to the classic Benedetto Pistrucci’s classic St. George & the Dragon or create a new design to celebrate the Coronation Anniversary?

Have your say below…

The Great Olympic Debate – The Royal Mint or Royal Mail? You decide…

royal mint vs royal mail 4so0149m - The Great Olympic Debate – The Royal Mint or Royal Mail?  You decide…

So who did better capturing the essence of the Olympic Games?  The Royal Mail, with their combination of Olympic Sport Stamps and Gold Medal Winner stamps or Royal Mint with their countdown series of £5 collector coins and general circulation 50 pence sports coins?

Tell us your preference and why with the poll and comments below.

Join the debate – leave a reply below…

Read about the Olympic Legacy

Do you own a scarce Olympic 50p?

London201250psportscoins - Do you own a scarce Olympic 50p?

Which Olympic 50p coins are most scarce?

29 million Olympic 50p coins have been released into circulation by the Royal Mint and, as already reported, as many as 75% have been removed from circulation.

But as collectors strive to build and that complete collection of all 29 50p coins, they are discovering that some sports are more elusive than others.

The launch of The Westminster Collection’s FREE online Olympic 50p Swap Centre has revealed which Olympic coins are top of the scarcity charts, with the most collectors listing them on their “Want List”.

So let’s find out – do you own of the scarce ones?

The most requested 50p coins…

  1. Football
  2. Handball
  3. Wrestling
  4. Judo
  5. Cycling
L LUK50FTB 2 - Do you own a scarce Olympic 50p?

The Football Olympic 50p Coin has been the most requested coin on collectors’ “Want Lists”

So whether you are in possession of one of the more sought after 50p coins and are able to swap it, or if you are still trying to find that elusive missing piece, try the FREE Olympic 50p Swap Centre.

Simply register online and list the coins you need before entering any swaps you have.  Click “search” and you will be able to view your SWAP MATCHES and make contact.  All totally for FREE.