BBC 50p celebrates 100 years of British History

The recently issued 100 Years of BBC UK 50p proved incredibly popular, with all limited edition presentations selling out within just 2 hours of release.  

Did you manage to secure one for your collection? 

You can still secure the 100 Years of BBC 50p in Brilliant Uncirculated quality here >> 

The British Broadcasting Corporation has provided information, education and entertainment globally for a century. We thought what better way to mark their 100 year anniversary than looking at some of the important events that the BBC has broadcasted.   

Queen Elizabeth II Coronation 

Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953 was the first major service to be televised by the BBC. 27 million people in the UK watched the ceremony on television and a further 11 million listened to their radio broadcasts. 

Queen Elizabeth II Jubilees 

During her incredible 70 year reign, Queen Elizabeth II celebrated many jubilees. Most significantly, her Platinum Jubilee in 2022 was one of the most watched televised events of recent times. 

A record breaking 13.4 million people across the UK watched the Platinum Jubilee celebrations on television in June. 

You can secure the ultimate Platinum Jubilee souvenir today – the Platinum Jubilee weekend collection. Click here to get yours >> 

The six 24 Cart Gold-Plated Commemoratives feature iconic photographic images from the historic weekend celebrations.  

The Olympics 

The 1948 Olympic Games were held in Wembley, and the BBC televised the games for the first time, screening over 50 hours of coverage during the 2-week event.  

When the Olympics returned to London in 2012, the BBC covered all the events and a staggering 51.9 million people – 90% of the population – tuned in. 

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2012 Olympic Silver 50p Set

In 2021, a UK 50p was authorised for release to celebrate Team GB’s participation in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics – which was once again televised by the BBC

The FA Cup Matches

2022 marked 150 years of the FA Cup. During BBC One’s coverage of The FA Cup final between Chelsea and Liverpool, viewer numbers peaked in the final half hour of the match with 8 million people watching.   

To mark the 150th anniversary of the FA Cup, The Royal Mint issued this £2, which sold out in all limited-edition presentations within just HOURS of issue!

You can still secure the 2022 UK FA Cup £2 BU Pack for your collection for JUST £10.00 (+p&p) by clicking here >> 

Royal Weddings

The marriage of Charles and Diana took place in 1981 and remains one of the most-watched programmes on the BBC, with over 28 million people tuning in to either watch or listen to the coverage.  

In 2011, Prince William married Kate Middleton and more than 13.6 million people watched the coverage on BBC One, making theirs the third most-watched Royal Wedding

Which of these BBC broadcasts do you remember watching or listening to? 

Secure the 100 Years of BBC 50p in brilliant uncirculated quality here>> 

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The 2022 RBL Poppy Masterpiece – Creating a Masterpiece

Here at The Westminster Collection, we’ve had the privilege of working in partnership with the Royal British Legion for over a decade.

Each year, we issue bespoke coins and commemoratives for the RBL Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Day.

And we’re incredibly proud to have so far raised over £1 million for the Royal British Legion.

Unboxing the 2022 RBL Poppy Masterpiece

The Masterpiece is a remarkable coin and this year, creating the Masterpiece has more of a personal touch than ever before.

Each coin has been meticulously painted by hand, making each one unique.

Never has the name “Masterpiece” been more appropriate. Each coin is a work of art, but how do you go about creating 350 pieces of unique artwork?

“The 2022 Masterpiece Poppy Coin is a timeless token of Remembrance. Not only is this coin a poignant reminder of all those who have served and sacrificed, but it also helps the Royal British Legion continue to be there for today’s Armed Forces community, no matter what.”

Charles Byrne , Director General of the Royal British Legion

One of a Kind – Creating a Masterpiece

This year’s Masterpiece coin has been expertly designed by Beata Kulesza-Damaziak. Beata has a studio in Warsaw, Poland, designing sculptures, book covers and has produced many coin designs.

Beata’s design has been struck in high relief on 5oz Pure Silver blanks, with different heights of relief applied to give a real depth to the design.

Keen-eyed observers will see a map of the Falklands on the very bottom layer, with a total of 40 poppies poignantly sitting on top to mark the 40th anniversary of the Falklands War.

The largest and 40th poppy sits proudly in the middle of the coin. It’s that poppy that elevates the coin to status of “Masterpiece”.

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The 2022 RBL Poppy Masterpiece Coin. Expertly designed by Beata Kulesza-Damaziak

Every single coin has had that poppy hand-painted by artist Adam Taylor, making each one unique.

Most colour on coins these days is printed using high-speed pad-printing machines or using modern UV printing techniques. Adam has used traditional model-painting techniques on the coins, which means each one has unique brush-strokes and subtle differences in the colours.

Adding acrylic paint to the high relief poppy gives it that iconic red colour and further enhances the coin design. The time, care and attention required on a project such as this, truly does make each one of the 350 a one-off.

Adam dedicated hour upon hour to these coins, adding the personal touches to make each one a true Masterpiece.

Secure your hand-painted, one of a kind RBL Poppy Masterpiece Coin here>>

A history of sought-after Harry Potter collectables

The UK’s FIRST Harry Potter 50p is now available, and it features a special lenticular element. In this blog, I’ll tell you why Harry Potter collectables are some of the most sought-after out there…

The stories of Harry Potter are among some of the most-popular in the world.

In fact, more than 500 million copies of the Harry Potter books have sold worldwide!

Around the world, Harry Potter themed collectables and memorabilia are extremely popular with collectors and fans alike.

Particularly, first editions of Harry Potter collectables, or those with unique features are particularly in-demand.

Considering the brand new Harry Potter 50p is both a UK FIRST and it includes a special lenticular feature, it will surely follow in some HUGE footsteps. But, how much have previous Harry Potter collectables sold for on the secondary market?

Sought-after Harry Potter collectables

Let’s take a look at some Harry Potter memorabilia that has fetched HUGE sums on secondary market sites….

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a fictional book mentioned in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and it was brought to life when JK Rowling hand-wrote and self-illustrated 7 copies of the book.

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Handwritten copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard
Credit: Good Housekeeping

All 7 copies were bound in Moroccan leather and decorated with silver ornaments and semi precious stones. These books are incredibly rare with only 7 in existence.

Subsequently, one sold at auction for £1.95 million, a world record for a modern manuscript!

This is a key example of how edition limits can drive up demand for collectable items.

Considering the strict worldwide edition limits of the precious metal Harry Potter 50p coins, we don’t expect these to be available for long…

Browse the range here >>

Chocolate Frog Trading Cards

The Gold Albus Dumbledore Trading cards, available in the Harry Potter Chocolate Frogs, were previously been listed on eBay for over $900!

These cards are especially in demand as they are only available from Universal Studios in Japan and feature a special lenticular design.

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Universal Studios Japan Albus Dumbledore Chocolate Frog Trading Card
Credit: eBay

Like the Albus Dumbledore Trading Card, the UK’s FIRST Harry Potter 50p excitingly also features a unique lenticular feature.

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The 2022 UK Harry Potter Lenticular Feature on the 50p design.

Evidently, Harry Potter themed collectables with strict edition limits and unique features can be worth a small fortune.

And, with recent UK 50p launches selling out at The Royal Mint in limited edition presentations, including the recently issued BBC 50p, this brand new coin is sure to be a hit with collectors.

So, don’t hesitate in adding the UK’s first Harry Potter 50p to your collection.

Browse the range here >>

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