First World War
The coin you needed a whole wheelbarrow of just to buy a loaf of bread…
Imagine the scene: Germany 1923 – the country is being forced to pay for the damage suffered during WWI. But they have missed a payment, and the country plummets into chaos…
France and Belgium invade Germany’s main industrial area, confiscating goods as reparation payments.
The economy is on the brink of collapse. Insufficient goods are being produced. Prices are running out of control…
Labourers are being paid twice a day because their wages are virtually worthless by lunchtime.
A loaf of bread, once costing 250 marks, now costs 20 billion marks!
Queues of hungry, disheartened people line the streets of Germany with wheelbarrows and baskets of coins as they desperately try to feed their families.
Just imagine having to carry your money around in a wheelbarrow because it was worth so little.
Now, 100 years later, you can own a coin that has been taken straight from that wheelbarrow…

The 1923 German 200 Mark Coin
Recognised as practically worthless at the time, the 1923 German 200 Mark coin is now steeped in the rich history of Germany’s most shocking period of hyperinflation. And as we mark its 100th year of issue, demand could well be hyperinflated…
The hands that this coin could’ve passed through are ingrained into its fascinating history. When you consider that it was this very coin that would have been buried amidst hundreds of others waiting to be exchanged for a loaf of bread, you realise that no other coin has such a unique story.

Limited Number Available for JUST £19.99
It has taken months of searching to source just a small number of this historical coin for Westminster collectors. And you must be warned, collectibles from the Weimar Republic aren’t always the easiest to get your hands on, let alone ones from iconic years such as this – and with a price of less than £20.00!

Considering its 100th anniversary, fractional cost and unmatched history, the 1923 German 200 Mark coin will be a staple piece for committed collectors.
So, don’t miss your opportunity to secure one before it’s too late!
Have you got THESE £2 coins in your collection?
Since its inception 25 years ago, the familiar bi-metallic £2 coin has become the commemorative canvas for some of the most exciting and collectable coin designs of our time. Sit tight for a quick-fire countdown of my top 5 £2 coins and why you should add them to your collection… if you’re lucky enough to find them.
5. The 2016 Great Fire of London £2 Coin

Issued to mark the 350th anniversary of the fire, it was later revealed that its mintage figure was mistakenly listed.
With 3.5 million less than originally thought in circulation, it’s in fact one of the rarest £2 coins in circulation.
4. The 2014 First World War (Lord Kitchener) £2 Coin

Issued to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, over 5,700,000 of these coins entered circulation, making it an easy design to stumble across.
However, a small number of these coins supposedly entered circulation without the ‘Two Pounds’ denomination anywhere on the coin. In March 2020 one of these so-called ‘error’ coins sold at auction for £500. A hefty return on a £2 coin!
[Image credit: The Sun]
3. The 2012 London Olympics Handover £2 Coin

Undoubtedly one of the greatest national events in my lifetime. London hosting the Olympic Games in 2012 will remain etched in my memory forever.
Unsurprisingly, the event has been immortalised on official UK coinage. The London 2012 Handover £2 coin was issued to mark the handing over of the flag to the next host city, Rio. Just 845,000 of these historic £2 coins entered circulation.
2. The 2022 25th Anniversary £2 Coin

It would be remiss of me not to mention the coin issued to mark this year’s special 25th anniversary. This is a re-issue of the first ever definitive UK £2 coin.
Despite not entering circulation, this could be the last Commemorative UK £2 coin to feature the effigy of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Undoubtedly, this one will hold great importance for collectors for years to come.
1. The 2021 UK H.G. Wells £2 Coin

As a fan of The War of the Worlds, taking the top spot is last year’s HG Wells £2 coin. This was issued to mark the 75th anniversary of his passing.
But there’s another reason.
Eagle-eyed collectors will call this an ‘error’ coin. Spotting an additional leg on the Martian, famously known to be a tripod but controversially depicted on the coin with a fourth leg!
To celebrate this year’s 25th Anniversary of the £2 coin, you can own the UK 2021 HG Wells £2 Coin for JUST £2 (+p&p) when you trial the Best of British £2 Coin Collection. There’s no obligation to continue collecting – cancel at any time.
Click here to claim your HG Wells £2 Coin for JUST £2
Alternatively, if you’d like to collect the latest UK £2 coins issued by The Royal Mint and receive them as soon as they’re released, you can visit our sister brand Change Checker and sign up to the Official £2 Coin Subscription:
The story behind this year’s RBL Masterpiece Poppy Coin
Want to know how a 1945 British Army Mess Tin, a WWII Spitfire and a D-Day Landing Craft have been repurposed to serve as a poignant tribute to the fallen? Keep reading to find out.
Army Mess Tins WWII Spitfire Landing Crafts on D-Day
Since 2004, The Westminster Collection has felt honored to be in partnership with the Royal British Legion, supporting them year on year by raising funds which enable them to continue to provide financial, social and emotional support to members and veterans of the UK Armed Forces, their families and dependents.
In support of the Royal British Legion, each year we produce a stand-out coin to mark Remembrance Day. We call it the ‘Masterpiece’.
And now, we’re excited to announce details of this year’s ‘Masterpiece’ coin…
Masterpiece Poppy Coin mould Masterpiece Poppy Coin centrepiece
When you discover the story behind the metal used to create this coin, you’ll quickly realize that it’s one of the most unique and historically fascinating coins ever released. It really does live up to its name.
The Masterpiece
As this year marks the Centenary of the Royal British Legion, an exceptional Masterpiece Poppy Coin has been released, commemorating this important milestone. It represents the three military facets of RBL ─ the Army, RAF and the Navy.
This is why we commissioned a three-dimensional ‘1921 style’ Poppy to be crafted from three pieces of historic metal representing the three divisions of the military:
1. WWII Spitfire ─ to be precise, the MK356, which flew during the D-Day campaign and shot down a German Me Bf109
2. A British Army Mess Tin from 1945
3. Landing Craft LCT7074 ─ the actual craft that landed on Gold Beach during D-Day
Historic Metals ─ crafted into a Masterpiece…
We acquired the craft metal with the kind assistance of the National Museum of the Royal Navy at Portsmouth, allowing us to source the substance from the original steel plating of the landing craft LCT 7074. LCT 7074 landed on Gold Beach on D-Day, 6th June 1944, and the plating used is from the hull that was physically in contact with the actual beach on D-Day itself. Today, LCT is the only surviving Landing Craft Tank left from this momentous day.
The LCT 7074 last surviving Landing Craft in Portsmouth Extracting steel from the LCT 7074 Landing Craft Tank Steel taken from the LCT 7074 Landing Craft
You may notice dark spots visible within the red enamel of some Poppies ─ and these are the filings from the historic LCT 7074 Steel.
Filing the steel taken from the LCT 7074 Landing Craft Steel filings from the LCT 7074 Landing Craft placed into the red enamel liquid for the Masterpiece Poppy Coin
The material used derived from Army origins is a combination of ex-MK356 metal and 1945 dated ex-British Army Mess Tins, mixed to a 50:50 ratio. The MK-356, officially named the Spitfire Mk IX, took an active part in D-Day operations in June 1944. The original wing main spar was removed around the year 2008, and it is this metal that has been combined with the Mess Tins.
Army mess tins being melted down Army mess tin turning to liquid under heat
Mess tins were and still are used for a number of different things within the Army. Soldiers use them to heat food, eat from, boil water and to wash and shave in. They can be cleaned easily and used for storage of other items.
Hot Army mess tin melted liquid being handled Hot Army mess tin melted liquid
During the Second World War, aluminum was a scarce commodity primarily reserved for aircraft production, and whilst perhaps not as romantic as the Spitfire, these tins are significant items ─ because an army marches on its stomach!
Poppy mould being put in liquid to begin the process of shaping the centrepiece for the Masterpiece 2021 Poppy Coin Masterpiece Poppy Coin centrepiece having come out of the liquid Masterpiece Poppy Coin centrepiece having been cleaned Individual Masterpiece Poppy Coin centrepieces Masterpiece Poppy Coin centrepiece being filled in with the red enamel liquid The Masterpiece Poppy Coin Centrepiece
What’s more, it has been struck from 5oz of fine 999/1000 Silver and is an impressive 65mm in diameter!