The Gold Pennies being parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota

2024 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, a pivotal moment in history that heralded the beginning of the end of World War II.

To honour this momentous occasion, an extraordinary event is being held at North Weald Airfield in Essex, UK. From Friday 31st May to 2nd June, visitors will have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in history with a variety of activities and a special highlight for the Westminster Collection – the PARACHUTING of the D-Day 80th Anniversary Gold Penny First Strike Edition….

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Step Back in Time: The D-Day Commemoration Event

Imagine stepping onto a bustling airfield, surrounded by the sights and sounds of the 1940s. The North Weald Airfield event promises an authentic World War II experience, featuring a fleet of historic Dakotas and other period aircraft. These iconic planes, vital to the success of many Allied campaigns, particularly during the D-Day invasion, will be on full display. The C-47s, affectionately known in British service as Dakotas, were instrumental in dropping over 50,000 paratroopers behind enemy lines during the first days of the invasion.

Over the three days, visitors can tour these legendary aircraft, meet the dedicated crews who preserve their history, and delve deep into the stories that these metal birds carry. The re-enactments will give a glimpse into the life of a WWII soldier, and the paratroopers will be able to be observed preparing for their jumps, and the historic sight of the WWII aircraft taking to the skies.

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The Gold Pennies taking a journey of their own…

And adding huge excitement for collectors is the release and parachuting of the limited-edition D-Day 80th Anniversary 9 Carat Gold Pennies.

A limited edition run of just 995 solid gold pennies are being struck to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and we have been able to secure the first 250 of these to be struck for a mission of their own – to be flown and parachuted on a special 80th anniversary flight.

That’s right, this means these 250 Gold Pennies are not only a FIRST STRIKE edition, but flown in and parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota aircraft.

They will be sent on a mission over to Carentan in Normandy, mirroring the daring jumps made by Allied soldiers 80 years ago. Once over Carentan and carrying the coins in their uniforms, the team of ex-military parachutists will make an historic jump, re-enacting the jumps made by thousands of allied soldiers on D-Day.

Each coin, once landed, will be carefully collected, housed in a tamper-proof capsule, and placed in a deluxe presentation case, complete with a Certificate of Authenticity, confirming its historic journey.

D Day 80th Gold Penny Whole Product with Flown Cert - The Gold Pennies being parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota

About the ’Dakota’ aircraft

The Douglas C-47 Dakota played a pivotal role in the success of numerous Allied operations during World War II, cementing its place in aviation and military history. Known as the “gooney bird” by those who flew and maintained it, the C-47 was a military adaptation of the DC-3, an aircraft that had already revolutionised commercial air travel.

D Day Penny Dakota - The Gold Pennies being parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota

The Dakota’s significance extends beyond its robust design and reliability; it was the backbone of the Allied air transport fleets. In Europe, the C-47 and a specialised paratroop variant, the C-53 Skytrooper, were used in vast numbers in the later stages of the war, particularly to tow gliders and drop paratroopers. More than 50,000 paratroopers were dropped by C-47s during the first few days of the D-Day campaign in June 1944. The Dakota’s versatility was unmatched; it served in roles ranging from medical evacuation and cargo transport to paratrooper drops and even as makeshift bombers.

The Dakota’s contribution to the war effort and its lasting legacy in both military and civilian aviation make it one of the most celebrated aircraft in history.

Join us in remembering the heroes of D-Day with this special release

Owning one of these rare gold pennies is more than just acquiring a collectible. This is a unique opportunity to own a part of history, captured in 9-carat gold, and approved by Buckingham Palace and His Majesty the King.

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If you’re interested in securing this highly significant release, you’ll have to act fast. Remember, only 250 First Strike Parachuted Editions are available for a small group of collectors.

You can click here to pre-order yours today >>

Explore the design of the 80th Anniversary D-Day Coins

This year marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, a day which many historians say turned the tide of World War 2. To honour the courage and sacrifice of the thousands of men and women involved, a special coin range has been released. The main coin design showcases three powerful features: the Spitfire Mk IX, HMS Warspite, and the Sherman Firefly Tank

Click here to view the brand new coin range commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

In this video Alan explores each element of the 80th anniversary of D-Day coin design

Sherman Firefly Tank: 

The Sherman Firefly Tank, an upgraded version of the standard Sherman, was a critical component of the Allied armoured divisions landing on the beaches of Normandy.  

Explore more about the Sherman Firefly – Watch Our Sherman Firefly Video Now

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Sherman Firefly Tank design featuring on the D-Day 80th Anniversary Coin range (Silver Proof 5oz coin pictured)

HMS Warspite: 

A veteran battleship with a vast history, HMS Warspite steamed into the waters off Normandy to unleash its formidable firepower. During the Normandy landings Warspite was the very first ship to fire upon German coastal defences with its heavy artillery.  

Discover HMS Warspite’s Remarkable Story – Watch the HMS Warspite Video Now

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HMS Warspite design featuring on the D-Day 80th Anniversary Coin range (Silver Proof 5oz coin pictured)

Spitfire MK IX: 

The Spitfire MK IX, a legendary aircraft synonymous with the Royal Air Force, played a crucial role in the Normandy landings. Designed for speed and agility, the Spitfire provided essential air cover during Operation Overlord.  

Uncover more about the role of the Spitfire MK IX – Watch the Spitfire MK IX Video Now

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The Spitfire MK IX design featuring on the D-Day 80th Anniversary Coin range (Silver Proof 5oz coin pictured)

Map of Normandy/France: 

The background design features a detailed map of Normandy, with a special focus on the historic beaches of Gold and Sword. These beaches witnessed some of the fiercest fighting on D-Day, as Allied forces sought to establish a crucial foothold on continental Europe. The map design highlights the strategic significance of these locations in the overall success of the Normandy landings. 

The Spitfire Mk IX, HMS Warspite, and the Sherman Firefly Tank, along with the map of Normandy, come together on this coin design to tell a powerful story of unity, courage, and the triumph of good over evil.

Click here to view the brand new coin range commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

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We strive for historical accuracy in our content. If you notice any inaccuracies, please let us know. Your feedback will help us maintain and improve the integrity and accuracy of our information.

Guardians of the Normandy Sky

Click here to view the brand new 80th anniversary of D-Day coin range featured in this video

The Supermarine Spitfire MK IX carved its name in history with its pivotal role during the D-Day landings on June 6, 1944. This aircraft was a marvel of British engineering, an advanced version of the famed Spitfire series, designed to match the German Focke-Wulf FW 190.

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This design of Spitfire MK IX features on the brand new D-Day 80th Anniversary coins

As the Allies undertook the monumental task of liberating Nazi-occupied Europe, the Spitfire MK IX soared above the beaches of Normandy, safeguarding the troops against enemy air attacks. Its iconic Merlin engine provided the power needed to dominate the skies at high altitudes, where dogfights with German fighters were a frequent challenge.

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Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX, 611 Squadron.

The Spitfire’s duties were not limited to aerial combat. The MK IX Spitfires were crucial in reconnaissance, capturing images of the battlefield that informed Allied strategy. They also strafed and bombed German defensive positions, disrupting enemy fortifications and support.

The presence of the Spitfire MK IX over the Normandy beaches was a reassurance to the Allied soldiers below and a testament to the aircraft’s enduring legacy. On D-Day, it was more than a fighter, it was a protector, an eye in the sky, and a symbol of hope.

Click here to view the other key elements featured on the D-Day 80th Anniversary coin design.

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We strive for historical accuracy in our content. If you notice any inaccuracies, please let us know. Your feedback will help us maintain and improve the integrity and accuracy of our information.